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Empower yourself with the right choice of optics

More than your frames, your lenses will determine how happy you will be with your eyeglasses.

EYEMAVEN not only want you to look the best,  we also care about how well you SEE. 

All of our lenses include premium anti-reflective coating that helps reduce glare from digital devices and screens. Each pair of glasses are fabricated by our lab technicians with over 20 years of experience, then inspected and adjusted by one of our four licensed Opticians to make the best form and fit before shipping to you. At the moment, EYEMAVEN only provides single-vision lenses. 

Admittedly, we cannot replace the customized care by a professional from your local Optical shop who is face-to-face with you, we still encourage you to visit and support your local business for your annual eye exams and frame adjustments. Given the volatile nature of our environment today, we understand and desire and NEED to stay at home. We strive to offer you the same technical expertise and professionalism as your local Optical shop, through a digital platform.


Our team comprises of professionals with experiences in different arenas of the Optical industry, making us different from other online eyeglasses stores that are just fashion driven. We grow organically and build our customer-base through reputation, word-of-mouth referral, and quality products. We are your virtual eyewear stylist, your on-line Optician, and your digital consultant.

Aspheric Lenses

Advanced optical design technology allows aspheric eyeglass lenses to be made with flatter curves than conventional lenses, giving them a slimmer, more attractive profile.

Aspheric plus lenses can be made with much flatter curves, so there is less bulging of the lens from the frame. This gives the eyewear a slimmer, more flattering profile.

It also makes it possible for someone with a strong prescription to wear a larger selection of frames without worry of the lenses being too thick.


Lens Materials

Buying eyeglass lenses is not an easy task. In fact, in a recent issue, Consumer Reports magazine said, "There are so many choices for lenses and coatings, it's easy to be confused about what's worth buying."

Our buying guide will help you cut through the hype about different types of eyeglass lenses  and help you choose lenses and coatings that offer the best features and value for your needs.


Ideal for RX under +/- 4.00

Thinner and lighter than plastic, polycarbonate (impact-resistant) lenses are shatter-proof and provide 100% UV protection, making them the optimal choice for kids and active adults. They’re ideal for prescriptions under + or - 3.00, with cylinder (astigmastism) under -2.00

Hi-Index Lenses

Ideal for RX above +/- 4.00

High index lenses refer to one of several different kinds of plastic lens material. Prescription lenses all have a definite "index", which ranges from 1.56 to 1.74. For strong prescription, the higher the index, the thinner the lens; for weak prescriptions, a low index lens will be no thicker than high index eyeglass lenses. Hi- Index lens is recommended if you have prescription above +/- 4.00

Hi-Index 1.67

Ideal for RX +/- 4.00 --> +/- 6.00

High index lenses with 1.67 high index are good for people with prescriptions over +/-4.00 sphere, because they are thinner and lighter. Thinner lenses have three advantages: they do not look thick, they do not magnify or minify your eyes when seen by others, and they are lighter. The suggested prescription range is +/- 4.00 to +/- 6.00 sphere. 

Hi-Index 1.74

Ideal for RX above +/- 6.00

If your prescription is above +/- 6.00, it's best that you choose the thinnest lens available to ensure the best appearance for your glasses, eliminate distortion, and comfortable fit. If you have a very extreme prescription, with sphere higher than 9.00 and cylinder higher than 4.00, please email us for a one-to-one consultation with our lens expert.


“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.”

 ~Rosabeth Moss Kanter


"The Art of Vision is seeing what's Invisible to others"

~ Jonathan Swift

how to protect your eyes from the harmful emissions of blue-light, glare, and U/V.

The Good and Bad of Blue Light


Our exposure to blue-violet light may not always be the same.

Blue Protect lenses reflects parts of the blue-violet light emitted from LEDs as well as TV, computer or tablet screens, preventing it from entering the eye.


This coating reduces the transmission in the spectrum of 380–455 nm (blue light hazard) while keeping the high transmission level above 460 nm.

The two sides of blue-violet light*




Regulates circadian rhythm (day-night rhythm)
There is a body of evidence to suggest that blue light in the spectrum between 400 and 520 nm with a maximum at 460 nm is important for the proper regulation of melatonin in the body, which influences circadian rhythms (day-night rhythm) and general well-being.



Increases risk of macular degeneration

On the other hand, there is a body of evidence to suggest that long-term exposure to blue-violet light below 460 nm, with a maximum at 440 nm, may contribute to photochemical damage of the retina, increasing the risk of macular degeneration over time (known as the ‘blue light hazard’).

The modern world: light sources with a high proportion of blue light

From light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and xenon light to energy-saving bulbs and electromagnetic radiation from screens, all the "new light sources" that are designed to make our lives better and easier contain a higher proportion of blue light than the old traditional light bulbs. The different spectral composition of the light means that we are exposed to significantly more blue light than before. Could this be having a detrimental effect on our eyesight?

But it is important to remember  that spending one hour outside on a normal overcast day exposes our eyes to 30 times more blue light than spending one hour inside sitting in front of a screen.

Clear eyeglass lenses with a blue light filter: blue light blocking lenses

It is now possible to get clear lenses with a blue light filter. But why should we?

Blue light radiation from light sources or screens can be irritating or tiring for some people's eyes. A blue filter can provide people with sharper vision: the different wavelengths of visible light are refracted in slightly different ways by the cornea and crystalline lens, so not all of them strike the same focal point on the retina. Some people will be familiar with these phenomena – for example, the fact that it's easier to clearly see red at a distance and blue close up, or the way in which infographics with red, green and blue lines are more tiring to keep in focus than lines which are all shaded in the same or similar colors.













Some people find that light sources with a high proportion of blue light can make them feel more restless at night. When we find ourselves in a dark room or outside at dusk or at night-time, our eyes switch to a different mode of vision. In low_light the human eye shifts from green sensitivity to the high-energy blue spectrum. That means we perceive blue light more intensely, which can give the sensation of increased glare. This effect will be familiar to drivers who have been blinded by the glaring headlights of oncoming vehicles, especially those with modern xenon or LED headlights.


Eyeglass lenses with a blue light filter can create more comfortable vision in these situations. Blue-light filter glasses is a lens coating for clear lenses which can be applied as an additional layer to create blue light blocking glasses. It offers  a blue filter which attenuates blue light in the 380 to approx. 450 nm band. That means improved visual comfort for anyone who wants protection against blue light during indoor activities without losing the beneficial effects of blue light in the approx. 450 to 500 nm band! 

How digital devices are changing our vision

Tablets, smart phones and other digital displays are not only changing the light spectrum we are exposed to – they are also changing our visual behavior. It's important to recognize that we are spending far more time looking at things "close up" than we did before. That's often because the background brightness is too low. This is even a problem among children: "school myopia" refers to the increasing propensity of children to suffer from short-sightedness once they start school.


If we fail to spend enough time looking into the distance, then our eyes don't get as much opportunity to relax, and we essentially "unlearn" the ability to focus quickly for various distances. That causes digital eye strain. 


In addition, we naturally blink less when we're staring at digital displays, so our cornea is moistened less frequently by tear fluid. This can lead to tired, strained eyes. And in the worst case it can even impair our vision.

Our tip: We recommend giving your eyes frequent breaks by looking into the distance often – even when you are in the middle of working on your laptop, tablet or smartphone. And make sure your eyes are exposed to enough brightness while ensuring they are adequately protected against excessive UV and blue-violet light.



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